Introducing JustNarrative

A place to find a voice and establish your truth in a world where Narrative is skewed and perception is everything!

Our Services

  • Invite Dr. James to speak at your next event

  • A moderated group getaway for individuals and organizations in which we take time to form bonds with one another, contemplate purpose and motives, and work on one or more specific goals

  • I serve as an outside pair of eyes that provides expert advice to companies trying to resolve certain issues within the corporation.

Core Values

Intentionality: Be intentional in your thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Your words have power; say what you mean and stand by it!

Openness: Allow accessibility to your thoughts and ideas

Conviction: Firmly hold fast to your beliefs and opinions

Truthfulness: In all things, whether you say it or do it, make sure to do it with integrity, accuracy, and honesty.

Let’s make a change.

Now that we are here, what’s next? Well, let’s make a change and be intentional with our thoughts, words, or behaviors. Let’s dive deeper and see how I can help you and your company ACHIEVE SUCCESS!

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